Cele mai tari jocuri cu masini 2013


Grid 2

Publisher: Codemasters
Release: Q2 2013
Codemaster’s latest racing title offers a three-way split between track, dirt and street – and an ambition to garner wide appeal while delivering a deep driving simulation. Oh, and lovely menus. You can’t forget the lovely menus.

Carmageddon: Reincarnation

Publisher: Stainless Games
Release: February
How tame Carmageddon looks now – once the videonasty most reviled, now a harmlessly over-the-top knockabout racer with splattery, jam-filled pedestrians. It’s remake may struggle to deliver the transgressive thrill the original game did, but just as long as it approaches racing with the same riotous sense of destruction it should deliver just as many belly laughs.


Publisher: Refract Studios
Release: August
The developers behind the unique and fun free-to-play racer Nitrionic Rush took to Kickstarter to fund their next project – Distance. Freed from the shackles of a publisher, the studio is aiming to take their futuristic survival racing to the next level.

Race The Sun

Publisher: Flippfly
Release: TBC 2013
A hazardous landscape is procedurally generated before you as you attempt to keep pace with the globe’s orbit and escape the onset of dusk. It’s is fast, fun and right now you can play the demo version for free.

Trackmania 2 Valley

Publisher: Ubisoft
Release: Early 2013
Trackmania’s Valley expansion takes the racing-game construction kit off-road, with a slew of dirt tracks and rugged rallies to test your tyres. It isn’t the the most outlandish of the Trackmania releases, but it looks a treat.

Trackmania 2 Stadium

Publisher: Ubisoft
Release: Early 2013
Trackmania 2 Stadium, goes in quite the opposite direction from the grit of Trackmania 2 Valley, introducing ludicrous loops, huge jumps and other stunt-bait to the racing-game construction kit’s grab bag of components.

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